UNITY - definitie. Wat is UNITY
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Wat (wie) is UNITY - definitie

Unity (album); Unity, Wisconsin (disambiguation); Town of Unity; Unity (town), WI; Unity (episode); Unity (software); Единство; Unity (town), Wisconsin; Unity (disambiguation); UNITY; Unity (song); Unity, Ohio; The Unity; Unity, OH; Unity (ship)

Oneness, singleness, individuality.
Sameness, uniformity.
Concord, harmony, agreement, uniformity, unanimity, unison, concert, union.
¦ noun (plural unities)
1. the state of being united.
a thing forming a complex whole.
2. Mathematics the number one.
3. a dramatic principle requiring limitation of the supposed time of a drama to that occupied in acting it or to a single day (unity of time), use of one scene throughout (unity of place), or concentration on a single plot (unity of action).
ME: from OFr. unite, from L. unitas, from unus 'one'.
1) to achieve, bring about unity
2) to destroy, shatter unity
3) national unity (to achieve national unity)
4) in unity (in unity there is strength)



Unity may refer to:

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor UNITY
1. unity.
Limited Views On The Chinese Renaissance _ David Gosset _ Talks at Google
2. unity.
Burned Bridge _ Edith Sheffer _ Talks at Google
3. unity-- this unity at this present moment.
The Science of the Self _ Anil Ananthaswamy _ Talks at Google
4. is unity,
5. You're unity.
Over 75 Years of Batman _ NYC'17 Comic Con Panel _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor UNITY
1. "Only achieving ‘unity, unity, great unity‘ can we yield ‘success, success, great success‘," stressed the Party General Secretary.
2. "The Arab League was established over 60 years ago to become the core for true Arab unity, military unity, economic unity, and political unity, and above all the unity of hearts and minds," King Abdullah said.
3. "We should work for the unity of the ruling family, because in its unity and closeness lies Kuwait‘s unity," he said.
4. Unity Day Generating Division and Defiance By Nabi Abdullaev Staff Writer People‘s Unity Day seems to have done anything but promote unity.
5. The more conventional European formula is "unity in diversity" – but where‘s the unity?